T 23 / Expodium – picnic & night walk

Picnic and a night walk with Nikos Doulos from Expodium (Utrecht, NL)
Thursday July 25, 2019 at 6pm and 10pm
meeting at GAMPA, Příhrádek 5, Pardubice
We cordially invite you to this year's first art picnic and a night walk with Nikos Doulos, a special guest from the Expodium, an internationally operating architectural and artistic group from Utrecht, the Netherlands. Join our informal meeting and discussion at the common table and the night walk that will show you Pardubice in a different light (or dark).
- Expodium is an urban do tank and a collective of three; Nikos Doulos, Friso Wiersum & Bart Witte. Through a variety of methods of artistic research, they generate vital information about urban areas and at the same time activate those areas and their users.
- Expodium documents, archives, contextualizes and frequently publishes information and knowledge generated through our practice.
- Expodium has carried out projects for (among others) the 53rd October Salon (2012), Bildmuseet (Umeå, 2013), Impakt Festival (Utrecht, 2013) and Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Budapest 2016), has led a residency program for SpaceBeam, Incheon, South Korea (2012) and has run workshops for UNIDEE - Cittadelartte Pistoletto Foundation (2016) and the University of the Arts, Uniarts Helsinki (2013 - 2019). In 2015, Expodium launched Unmaking The Netherlands (UTN) – a one year public program consisting of lectures, performative events, an exhibition and a publication titled Unmaking or How To Rethink Urban Narratives (2016).
Nikos Doulos is a visual artist, curator, and co-director of Expodium in Utrecht (NL). Doulos works predominately on site-specific research trajectories and with temporal interventions. In his work, he creates malleable situations/conditions as participatory infrastructures and ‘soft’ knowledge generators. Walking holds a predominant part in his practice.
He is the initiator of NIGHTWALKERS – a participatory nocturnal walking project (existing predominately within Expodium) investigating the contemporary identity of the flanêur/flâneuse, performed in (among others) the Netherlands, Serbia, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Hungary, South Korea and Greece.